Thursday 29 August 2024

Kashyap Mehta Vs. Kabra Estate & Investment Consultants - Resolution Applicant can pursue the Avoidance Application filed under Sections 43, 45, 46, 66 & 67.

 NCLAT (2024.08.23) in Kashyap Mehta  Vs. Kabra Estate & Investment Consultants [(2024) 514 NCLAT, Company Appeal (AT) (Insolvency) No. 1582 of 2024] held that; 

  • We are of the view that the issue raised by the Appellant is fully covered by the Judgment of this Tribunal in `Kapil Wadhawan’ (Supra). After noticing the Scheme of the regulation it has been held that Adjudicating Authority can permit the Resolution Applicant to pursue the Application filed under Sections 43, 45, 46, 66 & 67.

Excerpts of the Order;

23.08.2024: Heard Counsel for the Appellant and Counsel for the Respondent.

# 2. This Appeal has been filed against an Order dated 27.06.2024 passed by the Learned Adjudicating Authority (National Company Law Tribunal, Court V, Mumbai Bench) in I.A. No. 3142/2024 in C.P. (IB) No. 3169 (MB) 2019, the Application was filed for amendment in I.A. 91/2021. By the Application certain Paragraphs were added and amendment as prayed was allowed.

# 3. Learned Counsel for the Appellant challenging the Order submits that it is the only Resolution Professional (`RP’) who is entitled to pursue Application filed under Sections 43, 45, 46 & 66, 67 and Adjudicating Authority committed an error in allowing the amendment, the Resolution Applicant has been permitted to pursue the Application. It is submitted that the said Order is not in accordance with law.

# 4. Learned Counsel for the Respondent opposing the submission of Counsel for the Appellant submits that issue is fully covered by this Tribunal in the matter of `Kapil Wadhawan’ Vs. `Piramal Capital & Housing Finance Ltd. & Ors.’ in Comp. App. (AT) (Ins.) No. 437/2023, where this Tribunal lays down following in Paragraph 27:

  • “27. We, thus, are of the view that the impugned order has rightly permitted the Piramal – Successful Resolution Applicant to pursue the avoidance applications, which were filed by the erstwhile Administrator and were pending before the Adjudicating Authority. We do not find any error in the impugned orders passed by the Adjudicating Authority permitting the Piramal to pursue the applications and rejecting the applications filed by the Appellant and other Applicants to reject such applications. We do not find any good ground in these Appeals to interfere with the impugned orders passed by the Adjudicating Authority. There are no merits in any of the Appeals.

  • All the Appeals are dismissed.”

# 5. After having heard the Counsel for the Parties, we are of the view that the issue raised by the Appellant is fully covered by the Judgment of this Tribunal in `Kapil Wadhawan’ (Supra). After noticing the Scheme of the regulation it has been held that Adjudicating Authority can permit the Resolution Applicant to pursue the Application filed under Sections 43, 45, 46, 66 & 67.

# 6. We thus do not find any error in the Order impugned passed by the Adjudicating Authority.

The Appeal is dismissed.

We make it clear that we have not entered into any of the rival contention of the Parties on the merits of the Appeal.


Sunday 25 August 2024

Mr. Ajay Marathe Vs. Mr. Hrushikesh Paranjape & Another - In view of these facts, we have no hesitation to hold that the inventory write off was an act of cleaning the books to wipe of non-existent inventory in view of CIRP petition having been filed on 11.10.2019 and there being no reasonable prospect of avoiding of commencement of CIRP.

NCLT Mumbai-I (2024.08.20) in Mr. Ajay Marathe Vs. Mr. Hrushikesh Paranjape & Another [I.A. 1768 OF 2023 In C.P.(IB) No. 3755/MB/2019] held that; 

  • Nonetheless, mere write off of receivable in the books of account of the Corporate Debtor does not discharge the debtor from its liability to pay the debt so written off. Accordingly, the Resolution Professional shall be at liberty to take appropriate legal action for recovery of these written off amounts.

  • The appropriation of receivable (arising from such sale) from Respondent No. 2 against the liability due to Respondent No. 1 certainly indicates to the manner in which affairs of the Corporate Debtor have been carried out and this appropriation may have fallen within the ambit of Section 43 of the Code. However, the Applicant has sought the order of under Section 45 in relation to this transaction, and in the absence of cogent material placed before us, it is difficult to pass an order of under Section 45 of the Code.

  • In view of these facts, we have no hesitation to hold that the inventory write off was an act of cleaning the books to wipe of non-existent inventory in view of CIRP petition having been filed on 11.10.2019 and there being no reasonable prospect of avoiding of commencement of CIRP.

Excerpts of the Order;

# 1. This Application IA 1768/2023 is filed under Section 43 r/w 44, 45, 50 and 66 of the Insolvency & Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (“Code”) by Mr. Ajay Marathe, the Resolution Professional (“Applicant”) in the Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (“CIRP”) of Paranjpe Agro Products India Private Limited (“Corporate Debtor”), seeking direction against the Respondents i.e.

  • a. That this Tribunal be pleased to take cognizance of the facts of the present application and the transaction audit report dated 12th November, 2022 and take necessary actions against the Respondent under the Code:

  • b. This Tribunal be pleased to declare the transaction with Respondent as undervalued transaction as under Section 45 of the Code and take necessary action under Section 47 of the Code.

  • c. That this Tribunal be pleased to pass orders to declare that the amount of Rs.2.04 crores and Rs.0.38 crores is a transaction under Section 45 of the Code and direct the Respondent to return the stock and/or pay the amount of Rs.2.04 crores and Rs.0.38 crores to the Corporate Debtor,

  • d. That this Tribunal be pleased to pass orders to declare that the amount of Rs.6.56,25,806/- is a transaction under Section 66 of the Code and direct the Respondent to repay the amount to the Corporate Debtor: 

  • e. That this Tribunal be pleased to pass such further and other directions as it may deem fit under the provisions of Sections 44, 45, 66. 67 and 69 of Code:

# 2. The Corporate Debtor was admitted into Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process ("CIRP") vide Order 10th June, 2022 ("Admission Order") passed by this Tribunal under Section 7 of the Code and the Applicant was appointed as the Interim Resolution Professional and later appointed as the Resolution Professional ("RP") in the First Committee of Creditors Meeting ("COC") held on 13th July 2022.

2.1. The Applicant states that pursuant to the Admission Order, moratorium was declared in terms of Section 14 of the Code and on 16th June, 2022, the Applicant made Public Announcement under FORM-A in three newspaper having circulation at registered office of the Corporate Debtor one in English language and one in vernacular language having circulation at Ratnagiri, where factory of the corporate debtor is situated. Subsequently, on 5th July 2022, the CoC was constituted.

2.2. Pursuant to the provisions of the code, in the first meeting of CoC conducted on 13th July 2022, it was decided to appoint Dharkar & Kothari, chartered accountant to conduct transaction audit and prepare the transaction audit report of the corporate debtor, for the period 1 April 2017 to 10th June 2022 in order to identify transactions which are

  • (i) Preferential transactions under Section 43 of the Code,

  • (ii) Undervalued transactions under Section 45 of the Code,

  • (iii) Transactions defrauding creditors under Section 49 of the Code

  • (iv) Extortionate Transactions under Section 50 of the Code

  • (v) Fraudulent transactions under Section 66 of the Code.

2.3. The Applicant states that upon carrying out the audit of the Corporate Debtor for the period of 1 April 2017 to 10th June 2022 and conducting examination and detailed analysis of the transactions, it is evident that the Corporate Debtor has entered into transactions which are in violation of Sections 43, 44, 50, 45, 49 and 66 of the Code.


a. Pursuant to the transaction audit report, the Corporate Debtor has written off amount receivables from the Respondent amounting to Rs.2.04 crores for Financial Year 2018-19 and Rs.0.38 For Financial Year 2019-20 crores which is to be considered as undervalued transaction. This transaction is also reported in annual financial statement of Corporate Debtor. 

b. Stocks which were sold by the corporate debtor to M/s Shri Cashew products were at a rate less than cost of the products as per the records maintained in the tally.


a. Pursuant to the transaction audit report, it is evident that stock in trade amounting to Rs.6,56,25,806 / was written off in the books of accounts. The write off in inventory is to be considered as extraordinary item and to be disclosed separately in financial statement as per the requirement of schedule III of The Companies Act 2013, as the write off amount is significant & constitute 232% of total income earned during FY 2019-20. But no separate note in financial statement describing the reason leading to write off of stock was available. Further, the value of the physical stock was not appropriate and thus, the possibility  that the value of closing stock was inflated/misreported in the financial statements.

2.4. It is thus clear from the facts hereinabove and the transaction audit report that the Respondent there are certain transaction entered into by the management of the Corporate Debtor which are undervalued and fraudulent in nature as envisaged under Section 45 and 66 of the Code.

2.5. The Applicant states that the Respondent being the Director of the Corporate Debtor during the relevant time have indulged in the aforementioned transactions which are not in the ordinary course of the business and are not in the interest of the Corporate Debtor. The said transactions have benefitted the related parties and put the management in a beneficial position. Does it is respectfully submitted that the respondent is liable to bring back and amount of Rs.6,56,25,806/-.

# 3. The Respondent have filed affidavit in reply dated 14.10.2023 thereby denies each and every averment, statement, submission and contention made by the Applicant in the Application, except what is expressly admitted herein-under.

3.1. The R1 and R2 have been arrayed as Respondents to the captioned Interlocutory Application filed by Shri Ajay Marathe, Resolution Professional for M/s. Paranjape Agro Products Private Limited (hereinafter referred as the Applicant) under the provisions of Section. 43 r/w 44, 45, 49, 50, 66 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 201 6 (hereinafter referred as the Code) essentially seeking retraction of alleged transactions.

3.2. The present Application good to be qualified under the provisions of S. 49 of the Code the Applicant ought to have satisfied this Tribunal about deliberate actions on the part of the Respondents however  nowhere in the Application these efforts have been made. Moreover,

both the enabling provisions i.e. S. 49 and S. 66 provides provisions against the Corporate Debtor.

3.3. Now, admittedly, the Corporate Debtor is managed by its Directors and admittedly the other Director of the Corporate Debtor is intentionally kept out from the proceedings. Moreover, no specific case is made out against the R1 stating the R1 was only responsible for the alleged transactions.

3.4. The allegation made under S. 66 of the Code through the Application is concerned it is stated and submitted that the write - off Stock was made pursuant to the Accounting Standards and through passing Board Resolution to that effect.

3.5. Further, it is to be noted that the Corporate Debtor is into business of processing, manufacturing, export of Cashews. In this regard the Corporate Debtor, during the period of Jul / Aug. 2019 was awarded with huge export order of Cashew and therefore in huge amount of Cashew Seeds was procured by the Corporate Debtor. Further, the Corporate Debtor sought arrangement of further Funds for execution of the said contract. However, the Corporate Debtor was not provided with adequate funds and therefore, the Corporate Debtor could not execute that order.

3.6. Further, during Mar. 2020 the World was faced with wake of Pandemic COVID - 19 and thereafter the Union of India imposed Nationwide Lockdown w.e.f. 24.03.2020. Thereby there were restrictions for movement of public and all factories / works were ordered to be shut. These restricts were prevailing till Sep. 2020 by virtue of time to time issued notifications of Government. 

3.7. Since, from Mar. 2020 till Sep / Oct. 2020 said stock of Cashew Seeds was lying idle and at one place only. Result to that the whole stock got perished. And consequently, the Corporate Debtor was forced to write-off said Stock.

3.8. Therefore, in no way the business decision of the Corporate Debtor and that too for which the Corporate Debtor was forced to can never be stated to be fraudulent transaction, 

3.9. The Respondents also reiterates that the Applicant has also not shown anything to the effect that the present transactions in question were not a decision of the Corporate Debtor during its Regular course of Business. It is pertinent to note that the Board Resolutions of the Corporate Debtor clearly records that the said transactions are being carried out during usual course of business of the Corporate Debtor. And therefore, the Application also fails on this ground and be dismissed.

3.10. The Respondents reiterates that the Applicant cannot seek repayment U/s. 66 of the Code since this Bench is empowered only to direct the contribution of the fraudulent transactions to the Corporate Debtor's account and not empowered to reverse effect of the fraudulent transaction. Therefore, the prayers in the present Application does not survive qua the provisions of S. 66 of the Code and liable to be rejected.

# 4. Heard the learned Counsel for both sides and perused the materials available on records.

4.1. The Applicant has sought the order in relation to the amount of Rs.2.04 crores and Rs.0.38 crores, being the amount of receivables written off, in terms Section 45 of the Code, and declaration in  relation to the amount of Rs.6.56,25,806/-, being written off of the inventory, in terms of Section 66 of the Code.

4.2. As regards write off of receivable amounting to Rs. Rs.2.04 crores and Rs.0.38 crores, the Transaction auditor has reported that “out of the total receivables as on 31.03.2022 amounting to Rs. 40.29 lacs outstanding amount of Shree Cashew Products was 22.09 lacs. Also, as per the accounting records, debts amounting to Rs. 18,00,000.00 were recovered by Mr. Hrushikesh Paranjape and debited the same in Unsecured Loan  Account. Debtors amounted to Rs. 38,34,604.84 were written off as Bad debts during 01.04.2020”. It is further reported in the report that “According to the audited financial statements for financial year 2018-19 and 2019-20 debtors amounting to Rs. 2,04,57,443.21 and Rs. 37,50,000.00 were written off through the account of Mr. Hrushikesh Paranjape the same is disclosed under related party transactions. The same can be interpreted as the amount received from these debtors was not deposited in the accounts of the company.” The applicant has sought the order under Section 45 of the Code which provides under Section 46(1)(ii) a lookback period

of two years in case of related party. The transaction audit report has clearly identified these transaction having been written off in the financial year 2018-19 and 2019-20. In other words, the write off took place on or prior to 31.03.2020. The CIRP commenced on 10.06.2022 in the present case, accordingly, no order can be passed in relation to any transaction having taken place prior to 09.06.2020 in terms of section 45 r/w 46(1)(ii). Accordingly, this prayer is beyond the scope of Section 45 and cannot be allowed. Nonetheless, mere write off of receivable in the books of account of the Corporate Debtor does not discharge the debtor from its liability to pay the debt so written off. Accordingly, the Resolution Professional shall be at liberty to take appropriate legal action for recovery of these written off amounts.

4.3. The Applicant has also mentioned one transaction pertaining to sale of stock to M/s Shree Cashew Products (Proprietorship concerned of Respondent No. 1) at a rate less than the cost of products as recorded in the tally. It is the case of the Applicant that Cashew Seed

and NW Grade Cashew Carnels were sold in Financial Year 2020- 21 at a price of Rs. 100 per kg. and Rs. 500 per kg. respectively while its cost as per tally is Rs. 113 per kg. and Rs. 528.31 per kg. According to section 45 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy code 2016, if any asset was sold by a corporate debtor for consideration the value of which is significantly less than the value of the consideration provided by the corporate debtor. The management response as recorded the transaction audit report states that “"During your visit we have told you that we are not maintaining Inventory in Tally. Cost as per tally is not reflecting correctly. We have given you closing stock as on 31st March, 2020. Out of that Stock cashew seeds and NW Grade cashews are sold (Please refer cost price as per that report). So, there is no loss incurred detrimental to the interest of the company". Nonetheless, we note that Section 45 provides for avoidance of transaction which involves the transfer of the assets by the Corporate Debtor for a consideration significantly less than the value of the consideration provided by the Corporate Debtor. The RP has made out a case merely on the basis of the transaction audit report and has not even taken any step to determine the actual consideration provided by the Corporate Debtor in relation to the goods so sold. We are of the view that, the RP could have ascertained the cost of goods in the light of management response or even confronted the management to arrive at the correct value on the basis of records made available by them. We find that transaction audit report has alleged that “There was loan from Mr. Hrushikesh Paranjape as unsecured loans to the company which was adjusted in the financial year 2020-21 and 2021-22 from the receivables form Shree Cashew Products which is a proprietorship concern of Mr. Hrushikesh Paranjape”. The appropriation of receivable (arising from such sale) from Respondent No. 2 against the liability due to Respondent No. 1 certainly indicates to the manner in which affairs of the Corporate Debtor have been carried out and this appropriation may have fallen within the ambit of Section 43 of the Code. However, the Applicant has sought the order of under Section 45 in relation to this transaction, and in the absence of cogent material placed before us, it is difficult to pass an order of under Section 45 of the Code.

4.4. As regards write off of inventory, the Transaction auditor has reported that “As per the Audited Financial Statements for Financial Year 2019-20 , there was a reduction in stock in trade amounting to Rs. 6,56,25,806.00 there is no separate note regarding the reason for reduction of such stock in the financial statements also the same was not matching with the stock records maintained in tally. Further as per the unit visit reports ad stock audit reports it is evident that value of physical stock was not appropriate hence there may be a possibility that the value of closing stock was inflated/misreported in the Financial statements. The write off the stock in trade merely in the books without having its physical existence amount to Rs. 6.56 crore is considered activity carried on with fraudulent purpose & it squarely covered under scope of Section 66 of the IB Code, 2016.” It is also stated in the said report under ‘Conclusion’ that “ It is apparent from the records provided by the bank that there was no physical stock present at the plan that any time after the loan was sanctioned and only value of stock was inflated in the books and records which leads writing off the excess book stock in the Financial Statement as on 31.03.2020. Mentioning false amount of stock in the Financial statements to maintain the limits sanctioned by the bank that should be considered as fraudulent transactions under Section 66 of IB Code, 2016.” The management response as recorded in the transaction audit report states that 

  • "Stock write off: As explained during your audit visit, company got an order for export for which huge procurement of seeds was done. Providing a copy of this export order, funds were seeked from our bankers for completing the order. However, our bankers did not provide the required funds due to which we were unable to ship the consignment in time and the export order was cancelled. The entire partially processed stock of Cashew and major part of the unprocessed seeds were therefore lying-in stock with the company. Needless to add that the Cashew seed has a shelf life of about a year if stored properly and is reshuffled at regular intervals. With start of lockdown from 22.03.2020 it became Impossible to manage and maintain the seeds and thus it resulted in worsening of quality of the material and has become useless. Since it was a condition existing on the balance sheet date having a material impact, our auditor has chosen to write it off in the financial year 2019-20 Itself. Board resolutions and letter to auditor are enclosed herewith”.

4.5. The management has explained that the write off arose from failure of the Corporate Debtor in execution of export order due to nonavailability of credit facility for the purpose and thereafter onset of Covid-19 pandemic. We find from the order dated 10.06.2022 passed by this Tribunal admitting the Corporate Debtor in to CIRP process that the account of the Corporate Debtor was classified as NPA on 03.04.2018 after occurrence of default on 03.01.2018. On perusal of audited financial statement for year ended 31.03.2020 we find that the Corporate Debtor was carrying an inventory of Rs. 7,41,99,136.00 as on 31.03.2019 and Rs. 7,96,65,854.00 as on 31.03.2018. If we look at the explanation in the backdrop of these financial data we find it difficult to accept the contention because the Corporate Debtor was already carrying an inventory of Rs. 7,96,65,854.00 as on 31.03.2018, when its account was classified as NPA immediately thereafter; and the shelf life of the Cashew is stated to be one year while the Corporate Debtor continued to hold inventory of Rs. 7,41,99,136.00 as on 31.03.2019 also even though the total purchases during the Financial Year 2018-19 are stated to be of Rs. 36,68,982.33. An application under Section 7 was filed by the lender Canara Bank on 11.10.2019, accordingly, the stock write off was in order to wash away non-existent of inventory, which was also observed in the unit visit reports ad stock audit reports as alleged by the Transaction Auditor. In view of these facts, we have no hesitation to hold that the inventory write off was an act of cleaning the books to wipe of non-existent inventory in view of CIRP petition having been filed on 11.10.2019 and there being no reasonable prospect of avoiding of commencement of CIRP. The Hon’ble NCLAT, Chennai Bench in the case of Mr. Shibu Job Cheeran, & Ors. Vs Mr. Ashok Velamur Seshadri, Liquidator of (M/s Archana Motors Limited) has held 

  • “43. It is therefore clear that for establishing the fraudulent purpose, it must be shown that the Ex-Directors of the Corporate Debtor knew that the Company was insolvency bust continued to run business with dishonest intentions. On a broader sense, concealment of true financial position of the Corporate Debtor can be also covered under such provisions.

4.6. Accordingly, we consider it appropriate to hold that the business of the Corporate Debtor has been carried on with an intent to defraud creditor and it is a fit case to pass an order under Section 66 of the Code, directing Respondent No. 1 to make contribution of Rs.6,56,25,806/-. The other Director is the family member of the Respondent No. 1 accordingly, we don’t find any force in the argument of non-joinder canvassed by the Respondent. The Respondent shall pay this money to Corporate Debtor within 30 days from the communication of the said order.

# 5. In view of the above, IA 1768 of 2023 is partly allowed and disposed of accordingly.


Friday 16 August 2024

Modilal Pamecha (Liquidator) Vs. Prince Goyal and 17 Others - Instead, the Section requires that if any transaction is found in course of Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process of Liquidation Process meeting the criteria as laid down in Section 66(1) of the Code, the Resolution Profession of the liquidator as the case may be can file an application under Section 66(2) of the Code.

 NCLT Mumbai-1 (2024.08.08) in Modilal Pamecha (Liquidator) Vs. Prince Goyal and 17 Others [I.A. 1373 OF 2021, IA 3237 OF 2024 in C.P. (IB) 3419/MB/2019] held that; 

  • On careful reading of Section 66(1), we find that the Section does not require the Resolution Professional to be satisfied before filing of an application in terms of Section 66 of the Code. 

  • Instead, the Section requires that if any transaction is found in course of Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process of Liquidation Process meeting the criteria as laid down in Section 66(1) of the Code, the Resolution Profession of the liquidator as the case may be can file an application under Section 66(2) of the Code.

Blogger’s Comments;

a. A very interesting finding of Hon'ble Adjudicating Authority.

  • "These facts lead us to irresistible conclusion that even the Insolvency Resolution of Process of the Corporate was fraudulent and appropriate action against Respondent No.6 as well as Respondent No. 1 to 5 needs to be taken. The Applicant is directed to place these facts before IBBI for appropriate action."

The question is what prevents AA to recall insolvency order under section 65. Does IBBI has any powers to take any action under section 65.

b. Other interesting observations of Hon'ble Adjudicating Authority;

  • "On careful reading of Section 66(1), we find that the Section does not require the Resolution Professional to be satisfied before filing of an application in terms of Section 66 of the Code."

This observation completely ignores the CIRP Regulations.

  • "Instead, the Section requires that if any transaction is found in course of Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process of Liquidation Process meeting the criteria as laid down in Section 66(1) of the Code, the Resolution Profession of the liquidator as the case may be can file an application under Section 66(2) of the Code."

What an interesting mix of the provisions of section 66(1) & section 66(2).

Section 66(1) deals with Fraudulent Trading/business, whereas Section 66(2) deals with Wrongful Trading/business.

Excerpts of the Order;

# 1. The present Interlocutory Application IA 1373 of 2021 is filed in Petition CP No. 3419 of 2019 by Mr. Modilal Pamecha (Liquidator) in terms of Section 66(5) of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 in the matter of SPG Multi Trade Pvt. Ltd. seeks following relief; 

  1. To condone the delay of 241 days for making this application under Saction 60(5) of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. 

  2. To allow withdrawal of previous Interlocutory Application No. 296/2021 in view of Present Revised Interlocutory Application under Saction 60(5) of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. 

  3. To require Respondent No. 1 to 5 Respondent No. 6 to restore the amount of Rs. 90,00,00,000/- (Ninety Crore Only) to the Corporate Debtor in respect of cheque received by the Corporate Debtor, wherein Respondent No. 1 to 5 failed to deposit the same in the fraudulent manner. 

  4. To Respondent No. 1 to 5 and Respondent No. 7 to restore a sum of Rs. 2,56,65,280/- (Two Crores Fifty Lacs Sixty Five Thousand Two Hundred Eighty Only) for eliminating receivables from Respondent No. 7 with adjustment of Respondent No 14 in a fraudulent manner. 

  5. To require Respondent No. 1 to 5 and Respondent No. 8 to restore a sum of Rs. 46,80,25,000/- (Forty Six Crores Eighty Lacs Twenty Five Thousands Only) for eliminating receivables from Respondent No. 8 with adjustment of Respondent No. 9 in a fraudulent manner. 

  6. To require Respondent No. 1 to 5 and Respondent No. 9 to restore the sum of Rs. 4,71,68,009/- (Four Crores Seventy One Lacs Sixty Eight Thousand Nine Only) for eliminating receivables from Respondent No. 9 with adjustment of Respondent No. 8 in a fraudulent manner. 

  7. To require Respondent No. 1 to 5 and Respondent No. 9 to restore the sum of Rs. 5,82,330/- (Five Lacs Eighty Two Thousand Three Hundred Thirty Only) for eliminating receivables from Respondent No. 10 with adjustment of Respondent No. 15 in a fraudulent manner. 

  8. To require Respondent No. 1 to 5 and Respondent No. 9 to restore the sum of Rs. 40,40,332/- (Forty Five Lacs Forty Thousand Three Hundred Thirty Two Only) for the eliminating receivables 

  9. To require Respondent No. 1 to 5 and Respondent No. 12 to restore the sum of Rs. 5,91,172/- (Five Lacs Ninety One Thousand One Hundred Seventy Two Only) for eliminating receivables from Respondent No. 12 with adjustment of Respondent No. 15 in a fraudulent manner. 

  10. To require Respondent No. 1 to 5 and Respondent No. 13 to restore the sum of Rs. 27,14,361/- (Twenty Seven Lacs Fourteen Thousand Three Hundred Sixty One Only) for eliminating receivables from Respondent No. 15 with adjustment of Respondent No. 15 in a fraudulent manner. 

  11. To require Respondent No. 2 to restore a sum of Rs. 25,22,833/- (Twenty Five Lacs Twenty Thousand Eight Hundred Thirty Three Only) for causing loss to the corporate debtor in a fraudulent manner by purchase of BMW car in its own name and by selling the same in cash without any parallel deposit with IDBI Bank. 

  12. To require Respondent No. 1 to 5 to restore a sum of Rs. 21,29,342/-(Twenty One Lacs Twenty Nine Thousand Three Hundred forty Two Only) for causing loss to the corporate debtor by doling out cash in the guise of transportation charges without any valid reasons. 

  13. To require Respondent No. 1 to 5 and Respondent No. 15 to restore a sum of Rs. 20,55,718/- (Twenty Lacs Fifty Five Thousand Seven Hundred Eighteen Only) for causing loss to the corporate debtor by giving processing fee and interest charges to the Respondent No. 15 without obtaining prior approval from the Financial Creditor. 

  14. To require Respondent No. 1 to 5 and Respondent No. 6 to restore a sum of Rs. 103,98,04,594/- (One Hundred Three Crores Ninety Eight Lacs Four Thousand Five Hundred Ninety Four Only) for causing loss to corporate debtor for sale of this amount to Respondent No. 6 without any actual movement of goods. 

  15. To require Respondent No. 1 to 5 Respondent No. 16 to restore a sum of Rs. 1,21,06,386/- (One Crore Twenty One Lacs Six Thousand Three Hundred Eighty Six Only) for causing loss to corporate debtor for sale of this amount to Respondent No. 16 without any actual movement of good. 

  16. To require Respondent No. 1 to 5 and Respondent No. 17 to restore a sum of Rs. 4,12,55,757/- (Four Crores Twelve Lacs Fifty Five Thousand Seven Hundred Fifty Seven Only) for causing loss to corporate debtor for sale of this amount to Respondent No. 17 without any actual movement of good. 

  17. To require Respondent No. 1 to 5 and Respondent No. 9 to restore a sum of Rs. 21,46,73,440/- (Twenty One Crores forty Six Lacs Seventy Three Thousand Four Hundred Forty Only) for causing loss to corporate debtor for sale of this amount to Respondent No. 9 without any actual movement of goods. 

  18. To require Respondent No. 1 to 5 and Respondent No. 7 to restore a sum of Rs. 4,20,34,503/- (Four Crores Twenty Lacs Thirty Four Thousand Five Hundred Three Only) for causing loss to corporate debtor for sale of this amount to Respondent No. 7 without any actual movement of goods. 

  19. To require Respondent No. 1 to 5 and Respondent No. 8 to restore a sum of Rs. 75,12,79,157/- (Seventy Five Crores Twelve Lacs Seventy Nine Thousand One Hundred Fifty Eight Only) for 

  20. To require Respondent No. 1 to 5 and Respondent No. 7 to restore a sum of Rs. 8,89,74,738/- (Eight Crores Eighty Nine Lacs Seventy Four thousand Seven Hundred Thirty Eight Only) for causing loss to corporate debtor for sale of this amount to Respondent No. 7 without any actual movement of goods. 

  21. To require Respondent No. 1 to 5 to restore a sum of Rs. 3,75,484/- (Three Lacs Seventy Five Thousand Four Hundred Eighty Four Only) for causing loss to corporate debtor for payment of godown rent without any lease agreement. 

  22. To pass such other or further orders, against the Respondents or in favour of the Applicant for the benefit of the Corporate Debtor as this Hon’ble Tribunal may deem fit and appropriate in the facts and circumstances of the case. 

# 2, Another Interlocutory Application IA 3237 of 2024 under Company Petition 3419 of 2019 is filed by the Mr. Prince Goyal & Ors. (Respondent in IA 1373 of 2021 in terms of Rule 11 of the National Company Law Tribunal Rules, 2016 in the matter of SPG Multitrade Pvt. Ltd. seeking following relief; 

  1. Dismiss the Interlocutory Application No.1373 of 2021 filed by the Respondent under Section 66 of IBC on account of maintainability; 

  2. Pass any such further order(s) as the Hon'ble Tribunal may deem fit and proper in the facts and circumstances of the case to grant justice to the Applicant. 

# 3. There are two applications before one filed by the Liquidator seeking orders in terms of Section 66 for direction to the Respondents to pay such sums as stated in this Application in respect of benefits received by them from the Corporate Debtor, and another application by one of the suspended director seeking dismissal of first application. 

Prior to filing of IA 1373 of 2021, the Liquidator filed Interlocutory Application No. 296 of 2021 under Sections 43 and 45 of IBC, after a delay of 336 days, relying on the identical material, Transaction based Audit Report and impugning identical transactions as relied upon and impugned in Interlocutory Application No. 1373 of 2021 filed by the Respondent / Liquidator under Section 66 of IBC. On 29.07.2021, the Liquidator withdrew Interlocutory Application No. 296 of 2021 filed under Sections 43 and 45 of IBC, without any express liberty of the court to file a fresh proceeding. Hence, it is pleaded in IA 3237 of 2024 by the Applicants, who are some of Respondent in IA 1373 of 2021, that the Interlocutory Application No. 1373 of 2021 filed by the liquidator, under Section 66 of IBC, is not maintainable having been filed without withdrawing the said Interlocutory Application No.296 of 2021 and without express liberty of the court to file a fresh proceeding, on the same facts and cause of action. The very basis of IA/1373/2021 is that transaction audit report used in IA/1373/2021 is amended audit report. However, by the bare perusal of the both audit report would make it clear that the transactions, amounts, documents, exhibits are same. 

# 4. It is the case of Suspended Directors that the RP has not only violated the basic principle of law by filing a subsequent proceeding on the same cause of action and the same facts, without withdrawing the previous proceedings, but has also attempted to mislead this court to believe that a revised/amended transaction based audit report was submitted, which warranted the filing of the captioned Interim Application IA 1373 of 2021, post filing of Interim Application number 296 of 2021. 

# 5. We have perused the records and are of considered view that the plea of delayed filing of application has no substance in view of settled proposition that the period of 135 days provided in the Code is directory in nature. We further find that the Liquidator had sought withdrawal of IA 296 of 2021 in IA 1373 of 2021 vide prayer ‘b’ which specifically was for “withdrawal of previous Interlocutory Application No. 296/2021 in view Present Revised Interlocutory Application under section 60(5) of Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016”. This Tribunal allowed the withdrawal stating in interim order dated 29.7.2021 that “Applicant applies for withdrawal of the application and the same is allowed to be withdrawn”. It is pertinent to note that the withdrawal as permitted by this Tribunal was sought ‘in view of revised IA (1373 of 2021)’ and this led this Tribunal to allow the withdrawal and this Tribunal took into consideration the prayer of the Liquidator, which in our opinion was the whole prayer. The Respondent in IA 1373 of 2021 have sought its dismissal on the ground that "express liberty was not granted by this Tribunal in filing a fresh proceeding”. In view of this, we do not find any merit in the contention of the Applicant in IA 3237 of 2024, as this Tribunal had allowed the withdrawal of IA 296/2021 on the ground of filing of revised application in IA 1373 of 2021. This Tribunal was conscious of this fact, as specifically being brought before it, and IA 1373 of 2021 was already on record before this Tribunal which didn’t necessitate specific liberty in the facts and circumstances of the case. Hence, IA 3237 of 2024 is dismissed. Now this takes us to consideration of IA 1373 of 2021 on its merits. 

# 6. Written Submission of Liquidator in IA 1373 of 2021. 

a. Fraudulent Transaction No. 1 to the tune of Rs. 90,00,00,000/- by Respondents No. 1 to 5 with collusion of Respondent No. 6 & 7 

i. Tej Commodities Pvt. Ltd. (Respondent No. 6) is a major buyer of the Corporate Debtor from whom Rs. 111.56 Crores is pending to be recovered as on date. The Corporate Debtor, under the management of the Respondents No. 1 to 5, has portrayed in its books that a payment of Rs. 90 Crores has been received from the Respondent No. 6 vide Cheque No. 1702, 1707, 1708, 1709, 1710 and 1711 of Rs. 15 Crores each. 

ii. However, these Cheques totalling to Rs. 90 Crores were never deposited in the Bank Account for clearance, as is evidenced by the Bank Statements. It is apposite to note that this arrangement was carried out with a fraudulent motive to cheat and perpetrate fraud upon the stakeholders of the Corporate Debtor. Proceeds with crime with respect to this fraudulent credit rest with the suspended directors and Tej Commodities Pvt. Ltd. It is worth to note that had this cheque been deposited by the Corporate Debtor with its bank, then the Corporate Debtor would have benefitted with this recovery of Rs. 90 Crores, which would have resulted in avoidance of corporate insolvency resolution process for the Corporate Debtor and would not have resulted into the defraud of its various stakeholders, such as banks, government dues and various other creditors. Further, to state that credit of Rs. 90 Crores reduced the net receivable from Tej Commodities Pvt. Ltd. from a whopping amount of Rs. 146 Crores to mere Rs. 56 Crores. 

iii. It is further worth noting that to exacerbate the said fraud, after almost one year, the Corporate Debtor passed bogus payment entries totalling to Rs. 90 Crores in favour of Esszee Manufacturing Pvt. Ltd. (Respondent No. 7), in the absence of any corresponding bank entry. Certain cheques are on record of Rs. 15 Crores each totalling to Rs. 90 Crores was issued to the Respondent No. 7, which has nothing to do with the debit entries with Respondent No. 6. 

iv. This arrangement was done with intention of availing drawing power from the Financial Creditor and to defraud the creditor, especially, IDBI Bank, by artificially inflating receivables. Thus, an intent of mens rea i.e., intention to commit the crime here, fraud is evidently seen in the said fraudulent transaction to the tune of Rs. 90 Crores. 

v. This fraudulent transaction falls in contravention of general accounting practice, Accounting Standards, Companies Act, 2013, Income Tax Act, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 and is made with mala fide intent, in order to cheat the stakeholders of the Corporate Debtor and is done to falsify the accounts of the Corporate Debtor. Therefore, the said transaction is liable to reversed with exemplary costs awarded. 

b. Fraudulent Transaction No. 2 to the tune of Rs. 54,87,86,484/- by Respondents No. 1 to 5 with collusion of Respondents No. 7 to 15 

Various journal entries (JV) were passed by the Corporate Debtor to adjust balance in various debtors/ creditors namely, Respondents No. 7 to 15, amounting to Rs. 54,87,86,484/-, which were in the absence of any actual payment by debtor or any cogent explanation for the said JV Entry and thus, falls in the category of fraudulent transactions carried out with intention of cheating. 

c. Fraudulent Transaction No. 3 to the tune of Rs. 25,22,833/- by Respondent No. 2 

The Corporate Debtor had borne the cost for purchase of a BMW Car No. MH04EQ3500 in November, 2010 at the cost of Rs. 25,22,833/-, which was registered in the name of Mr. Madanlal J. Goel (Respondent No. 2). However, the car was sold at a throw away price of only Rs. 5 Lakhs in cash to one Santosh U P Motoron 31.07.2019. It is worth noting that there is no documentary evidence of the sale and further, as per Vahan 4 and Car Info Portal, the said car is still reflecting in the name of Mr. Madanlal J. Goel. Further, the cash amount of Rs. 5 Lakhs on sale of said car is shown as Receipt in Cash Book towards payment to Advocate Anjali, Salary, payment to consultant, office expenses, etc. Therefore, the Corporate Debtor has been fraudulently deprived of its assets of Rs. 25,22,833/-, which is liable to reversed in the interests of all its stakeholders. 

d. Fraudulent Transaction No. 4 to the tune of Rs. 21,29,342- by Respondents No. 1 to 5 Respondents No. 1 to 5 have in the guise of Transportation Charges doled out cash to certain beneficiaries in the absence of any documentary evidence. 

e. Fraudulent Transaction No. 5 to the tune of Rs. 20,55,718/- by Respondents No. 1 to 5 and Respondent No. 15 (Observation by Auditor @ 84 of IA 1373/ 2021) 

The Corporate Detor had obtained an overdraft facility of Rs. 15 Crores from Infinity Fin Corp Solutions Pvt. Ltd. during April, 2018 to September, 2018, without obtaining NOC from IDBI Bank. Further, the Corporate Debtor paid Interest of Rs. 13,44,612/- and Processing fees of Rs. 7,11,106/- aggregating to Rs. 20,55,718/- to Infinity Fin Corp towards overdraft facility, which had the effect of placing Infinity Fin Corp ahead of the Secured Creditor and amounts to fraud. 

f. Fraudulent Transaction No. 6 to the tune of Rs. 2,19,01,28,577/-  

I. Sales accounted without actual movement of goods: Rs. 1,34,98,74,681/- by Respondents No. 1 to 5 with collusion of Respondents No. 6, 7, 9, 16 and 17 -

The Corporate Debtor carried out various sales without actual movement of goods with Respondents No. 6, 7, 9, 16 and 17, which is in clear violation of the Accounting Standards issued by ICAI and Section 132(1)(b) and 132(1)(c) of CGST Act.

Ii. Purchase accounted without actual movement of goods: Rs. 84,02,53,896/- by Respondents No. 1 to 5 with collusion of Respondents No. 7 and 8 - The Corporate Debtor carried out various purchase without actual movement of goods with Respondents No. 7 and 8, which is in clear violation of the Accounting Standards issued by ICAI and Section 132(1)(b) and 132(1)(c) of CGST Act. 

g. Fraudulent Transaction No. 7 to the tune of Rs. 3,75,484/- by Respondents No. 1, 3, 4 & 5 

It has also been observed in the books of the Corporate Debtor that godown rent to the tune of Rs. 3,75,484/- has been paid by the Corporate Debtor, with the payee show as Mr. Akshay Anant Kadam, with respect to the Godown located at ‘B-13, G7, Parasnath Complex, Owali Village, Bhiwandi, Thane’. However, it is worth noting that the said payment of godown rent is in the absence of existence of any lease agreement. Further, Mr. Akshay Anant Kadam is not the owner of any Godown at Bhiwandi and per contra, the caretaker of the said godown had informed the auditor that he had neither heard the name of the Corporate Debtor nor kept any goods of the Corporate Debtor at any point of time. 

# 7. Written Submission of Respondent No. 1-5 

a. Pleadings of fraud are mandatory for an application under Section 66 of the IBC and in the IA 1373/2021 there is not even a single pleading of fraud, leave alone proving the same against the present answering Respondents. The Hon’ble Supreme Court in the case of Jaypee Infratech, Interim Resolution Professional vs Axis Bank reported in (2020) 8 SCC 401 has held that specific material facts are required to be pleaded and brought on record if a transaction is challenged under Section 66 of the Code. The law that allegation of a transaction being fraudulent, with respect to a company in winding up, is required to be pleaded and proved is long settled by the Hon’ble Supreme Court and has been repeatedly followed by Various Hon’ble High Courts, it cannot be on basis of mere suspicion 6. 

b. The transactions which are sought to be impugned in the captioned Interim Application for all the transactions which have been carried out with the knowledge of the financial creditor. None of the transaction appears to have been conducted so as to cause wrongful gains to the Respondents and/or wrongful loss is to the financial creditor. In fact, the Respondents herein who are suspended directors, involved in the management of the Corporate Debtor and/or have given personal guarantees, in good faith, have settled the entire amounts due and payable by the Corporate Debtor with respect to the financial creditors., therefore, there is no question of Respondents carrying out transaction to defraud the creditor of the Corporate Debtor. 

c. The Respondent has made issue specific submission also as follows 

i. Tej Commodities was in regular and continuous business with the Corporate Debtor (“CD”). The Cheque for 90,00,000,000/- was a PDC given by Tej Commodities to the CD. A perusal of the cheques at Pg 96 and 97 would show that the cheques have been issued prior to 01.04.2018. After the said date, the CD has done continuous business and has received over 120 crores from Tej Commodities Pvt Ltd. The CD used to purchase material and stock from Esszee Manufacturing and was in continuous business with Esszee Manufacturing. As a part of business, against placing an order, the CD had given cheques of 90 crores to Esszee. Thereafter, the CD was in continous business with Esszee and has duly paid the said 90 crores. Therefore, Esszee has not deposited the cheque. It is pertinent to note that Esszee has not even filed a claim in the CIRP proceedings of the CD in relation to the said alleged 90 crores. It is the case of the Applicant that the said transaction is carried out to increase drawing power. A perusal of the alleged transaction would show that the CD had a Debtor (Tej Commodities) for 90 crores as well as a creditor for 90 crores (Esszee Manufacturing). Therefore, there is no question of increase in drawing power. It is pertinent to note that the parties have provided confirmation for the JV Entries (Copy of Sample Authority annexed as Ex C page 28 of Affidavit in Reply). JV Entries are a regular and common accounting practice, the same is permitted as per the Indian Accounting Standards as well as the Income Tax Provisions. The genuineness of such JV entries is not challenged by any of the parties, no claim is made in the CIRP of the CD and the same has not been disqualified in the ordinary course of assessment. Therefore, the allegation made by the Applicant is completely baseless, contrary to the facts and imaginary.

ii. The BMW car was purchased in the year 2010 for an amount of Rs 25,22,833/-. As per market standards, a luxury car depreciates about 80-85 % after 9 years from purchase. The case was sold in the year 2019 for an amount of Rs 5,00,000/-. The said amount has been duly brought into the Company. Therefore, the allegation that the transaction is undervalued is completely baseless, false and imaginary. 

iii. It is well established market practice that all the transporters in the market (Truck Drivers) are paid in Cash. Every Trip Cost about 5000/- and the same is paid in cash as and when there is requirement as the Truck Drivers do not accept cheque or RTGS. The CD has accounted for all such payments and has shown the same in its accounting books. 

iv. Infinity Fincorp Solution had provided for a transaction specific loan facility with respect to the commodity of sugar. The said facility was only for the purpose of warehousing of Sugar. The charge was created on the sugar which was proposed to be warehouse. The CD has made a profit of about four crores from this transaction and therefore there is no question of the same being qualified as a preferential transaction. It is pertinent to note that prior to granting the facility, Infinity Fincorp Solution has duly attempted to take NOC from the financial creditor. 

v. The applicant has made completely vague and baseless allegations with respect to sale and purchase without movement of goods. The financial creditor, at regular intervals, carried out, stock audit, site, inspection and inspection of the books of accounts of the CD. Only on being satisfied about the actual business done by the CD, the financial creditors have provided financial facility to the CD regularly, for over 10 times. It is pertinent to note that there is not even an iota of evidence to even suggest that there has been sale or purchase made without movement of goods. It is pertinent to note that the alleged sale and purchase made without movement of goods do not tally with each other, in fact, the sale is more than the purchase, which effectively means that monies have come into CD. It is pertinent to note that the GST department have raised regular demands only after confirming the actual movement of goods.

vi. The allegation of non-payment of rent Completely imaginary in nature. The CD was in continuous business, regular site, inspection, stock audit, audit of the bank accounts of the CD was carried out by independent agencies appointed by the financial creditor. Therefore, the said allegation of withdrawing money on account of lease agreement, without there being a godown is false and frivolous as the same is made on the sole ground of their not being lease agreement. There has been lease agreements executed by the CD. 

# 8. Heard the learned Counsel and perused the material available on record. 

# 9. Section 66(1) of the I B Code provides that 

  • “If during the corporate insolvency resolution process or a liquidation process, it is found that any business of the corporate debtor has been carried on with intent to defraud creditors of the corporate debtor or for any fraudulent purpose, the Adjudicating Authority may on the application of the resolution professional pass an order that any persons who were knowingly parties to the carrying on of the business in such manner shall be liable to make such contributions to the assets of the corporate debtor as it may deem fit”. 

# 10. The Respondent has contended that the Applicant has failed to make out independent satisfaction and has filed this Application mechanically on the basis of findings contained in Forensic Audit Report. On careful reading of Section 66(1), we find that the Section does not require the Resolution Professional to be satisfied before filing of an application in terms of Section 66 of the Code. Instead, the Section requires that if any transaction is found in course of Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process of Liquidation Process meeting the criteria as laid down in Section 66(1) of the Code, the Resolution Profession of the liquidator as the case may be can file an application under Section 66(2) of the Code. Accordingly, we do not find any merit in the contention of Respondent in this regard. 

# 11. The Respondent No.2 also pleaded that the debt of financial creditor has been settled by the erstwhile management hence nothing remains in this Application. We note that it is not only the Financial Creditor but the operational creditor and other debt are required to be settled out of the money is available with the Corporate Debtor and the debts of operational creditor and other creditors may require to be settle out of the proceeds of avoidance application. 

# 12. Now coming to the transactions impugned in the Application before us, we find that applicant has demonstrated that cheques of Rs. 90 crores were found to be credited in the account of Respondent No.6 and these cheques were not presented for payment. Instead the Respondent Suspended Board allowed to pass another entry with the books of account for a sum of Rs.90 crores on account of cheques claimed to have been issued to ESSZEE Manufacturing Private Limited Respondent No.7 to neutralized the affect of cheques in hand in the books of Corporate Debtor this resulted into under statement of money receivable from Respondent No.6 and money payable to the Respondent No.7 by the equitable amount. Respondent No.2 has pleaded that these cheques were deposited as the cheques were taken as per the securities. However, we are unable to accept this contention as the security in cheques ought not to have resulted into credit to the account of Respondent No.6. This clearly shows that the debtors and creditors however under stated and proof here to suppress the reflection of true and fair view of the affairs of the Corporate Debtor. Accordingly, we set aside these two entries which resulted into under statement of balances of Respondent No.6 and 7. The Respondent is directed to take appropriate step for recovery of amounts receivable from Respondent No.6 after setting aside of the credit of Rs.90 crores to their account. 

# 13. The second transaction pertains to various journal entries (JV) passed by the Corporate Debtor to adjust balance in various debtors/ creditors namely, Respondents No. 7 to 15, amounting to Rs. 54,87,86,484/-. The Respondent submitted that following journal entries were passed after obtaining confirmation from each party. 

This Journal entry was passed by adjusting the balance receivable from the another party without any justification. The Respondents have also failed to substantiate how such adjustment can be said to be in ordinary course of business. After consideration of these evidences we note that the Applicant has termed these transactions to be fraudulent in nature simply because these transactions had taken place by passing a Journal entry without any actual payment by debtor and any other authority from any party. The Respondent have also not placed on record any document demonstrating confirmation of the parties to the entries except ledger account of Esszee Private Limited Respondent No.6 in his books of account. It is interesting to note from perusal of the account that the closing balance of Respondent No.6 is stated to be 71,14,56,390.92 (credit) as on 31.3.19 as per said confirmation and if a sum of Rs. 90.00 crores, stated to be credited to this account for cheques received but not encashed, there shall be a debit balance of Rs. 18,85,43,609.08 /- besides this a further credit of Rs. 256665280 was passed to the Account of Respondent No.7 by debit to Respondent No.14. If this amount is also eliminated there shall be a debit of more than 21 crores, instead of claimed credit of Rs. 71,14,56,390.92. We note that the CIRP commenced in the case of Corporate Debtor upon an application filed by Respondent No.6 claiming itself to the creditor however, this reinstated numbers clearly suggest that the original petitioner was not a creditor of the Corporate Debtor, but instead is a debtor of Corporate Debtor. These facts lead us to irresistible conclusion that even the Insolvency Resolution of Process of the Corporate was fraudulent and appropriate action against Respondent No.6 as well as Respondent No. 1 to 5 needs to be taken. The Applicant is directed to place these facts before IBBI for appropriate action. 

# 14. Now coming to the merits of the second transactions, as described in the preceding para, the books of accounts of the Corporate Debtor does not appear to be credible. In case of Respondent No.9 the Forensic Auditor has commented that the account of Respondent No.9 was credited by a sum of Rs.46 crores on account of cheques received not encashed. Further, in the absence of confirmation from the relevant parties being placed on record by Respondent No.1 to 5 or available on record of Corporate Debtor, we do not find the contention of the Respondent that these adjustment were in normal course. To us, these adjustments appear to have been made to fudge the actual balance of Debtors and Creditors and to give a untrue picture of its debtors and creditors to the stakeholders. Accordingly, we set aside these journal entries which resulted into incorrect statement of balances of Respondent No.6 to 15. The Respondent is directed to take appropriate step for recovery of amounts receivable from Respondent No.6 to 15, if there is any after setting aside of the journal entries for a sum of Rs. 54,87,86,484. 

# 15. The third transaction pertains to a BMW Car No. MH04EQ3500 owned appearing in the books of the Corporate Debtor stated to have been purchased in November, 2010 at the cost of Rs. 25,22,833/-, though the car was registered in the name of Mr. Madanlal J. Goel (Respondent No. 2). The Respondent No.2 has pleaded that this car was sold for Rs.5 lacks on 31.07.2019 and the consideration received in cash was duly accounted in the books of account of the Corporate Debtor. We note that the car was sold after 9 years and the Applicant has not placed on record any evidence to suggest the probable market price of the car. Further, the Applicant does not plead that the said amount of 5 lakhs was not found recorded in the cash book of the Corporate Debtor, instead the Applicants case is that this amount is shown to have been neutralized for meeting expenses i.e. advocate payments and salary etc., The Applicant has not pleaded that said expenses are not genuine and really merely represents the entry. The Applicant has only made a bald assertion that the car was sold at lower price. In view of these facts, accordingly, we do not find any merit in the allegation of Applicant that this transaction par take the character of fraudulent transaction in terms of Section 66. 

# 16. The fourth transaction pertains to Transportation Charges stated to be paid in cash without any valid reason of documentary evidence. The Respondent has contended that local and small scale transporters work on advance cash payment module and allow the loading of the material after payment of the freight. As far as reasons for making payment is concerned we find substance on the submission of Respondent that payment of transporters is required to be made in cash. However, we find that Applicant has failed to bring out on record whether the payment of such freight amount was not begged by the sale / purchase of the materials. At this juncture we note that the Applicant has also alleged transaction of fictitious sale and purchase having been recorded in the books of account of the Corporate Debtor actual without movement of book. We note that Section 66 deal with carrying out the business for the fraudulent purpose. In these circumstances, we can only infer, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, that these transportation charges are also fictitious entries as payment were made in cash to certain beneficiaries and there is no documentary evidence., but such inference cannot satisfy the ingredients of fraud so as to bring within the scope of section 66, unless a detail inquiry is carried out. Hence, we are not inclined to pass any order in relation to these transactions. 

# 17. The fifth transaction pertains to availment of an overdraft facility of Rs. 15 Crores from Infinity Fin Corp Solutions Pvt. Ltd. during April, 2018 to September, 2018, without obtaining NOC from IDBI Bank, whereunder the Corporate Debtor paid Interest of Rs. 13,44,612/- and Processing fees of Rs. 7,11,106/- aggregating to Rs. 20,55,718/- to Infinity Fin Corp towards overdraft facility, which had the effect of placing Infinity Fin Corp ahead of the Secured Creditor. The Respondent have submitted that the said facility was taken for warehousing of sugar on which the Corporate Debtor made a profit of Rs.4 crores. It is further submitted that infinity Solutions Respondent No.15 had duly sought for NOC of the Financial Creditor prior to extending of the facility. The Applicant has not disputed this fact. Accordingly, we cannot hold this transaction to be fraudulent simply because the NOC from the Financial Creditor was not obtained. It is pertinent to note that the Respondent No.15 was at its own risk in the absence of such NOC and no adverse inference can be drawn from absence of NOC. Accordingly, the pleadings in this regard does not satisfy the ingredients of fraud so as to bring within the scope of section 66, unless a detail inquiry carried out. Hence, we are not inclined to pass any order in relation to these transactions. 

# 18,. The sixth transaction pertains to sale purchase transaction alleged to be in violation of Section 132 of CGST Act and the basis for such allegation is absence of movement of goods pursuant to these transactions. We note that these transactions were with the Respondent No.6, 7, 8, 9, 16 and 17. We note that these transactions of sale and purchase, if fictitious, have the affect on the balance of these on the books of the Corporate Debtor. The Applicant has made bald assertion in relation to sale and purchase. Nonetheless, if sale as well as purchase are claimed to be fictitious, it does not cause any cause to the Corporate Debtor. In the present case we find that the total sales alleged to be fictitious are more than the total purchase alleged to be fictitious. Accordingly, no loss is caused to the Corporate Debtor, even if these allegedly fictitious sale purchase had the affect of fudging the actual financial position of the Corporate Debtor to mislead other stakeholders. Hence, we are not inclined to pass any order in relation to these transactions in terms of Section 66. 

# 19.  The seventh transaction pertains to payment of godown rent to the tune of Rs. 3,75,484/- to Mr. Akshay Anant Kadam, with respect to the Godown located at ‘B-13, G7, Parasnath Complex, Owali Village, Bhiwandi, Thane’. It is a case of the Applicant that Mr. Akshay Anant Kadam is not the owner of any Godown at Bhiwandi and per contra, the caretaker of the said godown had informed the auditor that he had neither heard the name of the Corporate Debtor nor kept any goods of the Corporate Debtor at any point of time. The Respondents submitted that the financial creditor conducted yearly stock audit at the godown of the Corporate Debtor and has verified that the goods lying therein. The pleadings in this regard does not satisfy the ingredients of fraud so as to bring within the scope of section 66, unless a detail inquiry carried out. Hence, we are not inclined to pass any order in relation to these transactions. 

20. In view of the above IA 1373 of 2021 is partly allowed, and IA 3237 of 2024 is dismissed. Both IA’s are disposed of accordingly. 
